The Trees We Plant, Together

We Plant Mangroves in Madagascar

Absorb and Reduce CO2

Help Alleviate Poverty

Aid in Wildlife Ecosystem

Fight Climate Change

The Mangroves

Mangroves are one of the most effective and economic methods of offsetting carbon emissions. Studies show that Mangroves “sequester carbon at a rate two-four times greater than mature tropical forests” and contain “the highest carbon density of all terrestrial ecosystems.” (Fatoyinbo et al, 2017). Mangroves are also a key part of coastal ecosystems.

One of the key benefits of reforestation is that trees are extremely efficient at carbon sequestration and one of the most effective tools in the fight against dangerous Greenhouse Gases that contribute to climate change and global warming. Trees convert the carbon dioxide (CO2) into plant matter, holding this material for the life of the tree and beyond.

More than Fighting Climate

The areas in which we plant are carefully selected to ensure that alongside reducing carbon emissions, we are also aiding in supporting the alleviation of poverty by giving jobs to those in need to support your planting efforts. Offsetting of just 1 vehicle can provide days of work and wages for those in the regions we plant.


We Are Proud to Have Planted over 27,324 Trees so Far in April