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Coffee Habit (5 trees)

Coffee Habit (5 trees)

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 USD
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 5 -0.066mt of CO₂ per month

Kicking caffeine habits? Impossible. Planting trees to absorb the resulting CO2? Easy. For the cost of a nice cup of coffee (or maybe a cheap latte) a month, you can absorb the emissions associated with your habit.



Consuming 5 cups of coffee a day for a year produces 775 kg (0.775mt or 1,708lbs) of CO2. In one month, your coffee habit will create 0.066mt of CO2. Over one year, a mangrove tree will sequester 27.2 pounds of CO2, so if you plant 5 verified trees per month, or 60 in one year, you'll sequester about 1,682 pounds of CO2 in one year. (We know this is just shy of 1,708lbs, but no worries, your trees will quickly absorb that last bit at the beginning of their second year!)


One mangrove tree sequesters ~679.7 pounds or ~0.31 metric tons of CO2 over its 25 year growth period. 

After that initial year all of the carbon you emitted will be sequestered. Over the next 24 years the verified trees you planted will continue to absorb and store carbon.


Planters on the ground use verification technology to monitor and track the time of planting as well as the geo-coordinates of every tree planted. Utilizing blockchain technology, this information is uploaded to a database so that we can ensure all of your trees are planted and monitor real climate impact and survivability over time.

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